Audrey Li

Learning JavaScript, Swift, and more...

Day 2 – iOS App Internationalization – A Simple Multi-lingo Greeting App

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I wanted to start something that is related to 3D perspective with Sketch today but somehow I got interested in App Internationalization while watching a little WWDC video. So I decided to build a simple multi-lingo app to test some ideas.
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Day 1 – New Start. AngularJS Todo List with Material Design

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Last night I couldn’t quite sleep. A problem has been bothering me for long time: whether I can and whether I should change profession? After university graduation, I completely abandoned my Computer Science degree and became a real estate agent, thinking I needed some social touch. After two years, I dived into market research and PR for some very strange reasons, maybe partly because the very unknown has been great attraction for me.
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Welcome to Jekyll!

You’ll find this post in your _posts directory - edit this post and re-build (or run with the -w switch) to see your changes! To add new posts, simply add a file in the _posts directory that follows the convention: YYYY-MM-DD-name-of-post.ext.

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My Top Resources to Learn Spanish

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Spanish, using as a native language by approximately 406 million people in the world, is the second only to Mandarin in terms of its number of native speakers worldwide.  It’s a passionate language and is fun to learn. Below are some top resources that I found:

Michel Thomas Learn Spanish: my #1 course to start whenever I try to learn a new language. There are basic, advanced, vocabulary and language builder courses available.

Busuu for iPhone: great app with different levels. Love the vocabulary, dialogue and test functions.

Learn Spanish Levels I & II with Bueno, entonces : as described in apple store “Bueno, entonces… is an intensive 5-week Spanish immersion course disguised as an addictive TV series”, learning Spanish by following funny romantic conversation. Love it.

Learn Spanish by MindSnacks: great if you like to learn while playing games.

BBC Learn Spanish: wonderful videos and tests.

Babbel: great online interactive courses with social features. Make friends with people around the world who like to learn other languages as well.

Youtube video channels:
  2. tv294
  3. Lets Learn Spanish
  4. Learn Spanish

And if you are more advanced, download these free audio books to your iTune and listen. If you are in Beijing, sign up in the courses from Institudo Cervantes. All teachers are native Spanish, and very strict…

¡Buena suerte!

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