There is a dancing festival every year. Gods, Fairies and some other VIPs are in the guest list. There are also some unwelecomed walk-ins. Each of the guest type would have different host to receive and host them, except the walk-ins would have no hosts.

The chain of responsibility pattern is used to process varied requests, each of which may be dealt with by a different handler.

enum GuestType {
    case VIP
    case God
    case Fairy
    case Unwelcomed

struct Guest {
    let guestType: GuestType
    let name: String

class Host{
    var nextHost: Host?
    required init(){}
    func host(guest: Guest, handled: Bool = false) -> Bool {
        if nextHost != nil {
            return nextHost!.host(guest, handled: handled)
        } else if !handled {
            print("End of the chain. No host available for \(\n")
        return handled
    class func createChain() -> Host?{
        let host = VIPHost()
        host.nextHost = GodHost()
        host.nextHost?.nextHost = FairyHost()
        return host

class FairyHost: Host {
    override func host(guest: Guest, var handled: Bool) -> Bool {
        if guest.guestType == .Fairy {
            print("\( is handled by FairyHost\n")
            handled = true
        return, handled: handled)

class GodHost: Host {
    override func host(guest: Guest, var handled: Bool) -> Bool {
        if guest.guestType == .God {
            print("\( is handled by GodHost\n")
            handled = true
        return, handled: handled)

class VIPHost: Host {
    var totalGuests = 0
    var vipGuests = 0
    override func host(guest: Guest, var handled: Bool) -> Bool {
        if guest.guestType == .VIP {
            print("\( is handled by VIPHost")
            handled = true
            print("Currently \(vipGuests) VIP out of \(totalGuests) guests\n")
        return, handled: handled)

//: Testing 
let guests = [Guest(guestType: .Fairy, name: "Tinkle Fairy"),
              Guest(guestType: .God, name: "God of Thunder"),
              Guest(guestType: .VIP, name: "VIP Tor"),
              Guest(guestType: .Unwelcomed, name: "Satan"),
              Guest(guestType: .VIP, name: "VIP Helen")]

if let hostChain = Host.createChain() {
    for guest in guests {
