There is a powerful sorcerer in town. He sells magic potions and only charges them for blue diamonds. Blue diamond is a special kind of currency in the magic world and people are born with certain amount of that. The sorcerer would give old customers or his favorite customers different discounts.
class MagicSale {
let name: String
let price: Int
var totalPrice: Int { return price }
var description: String { return name }
init(name: String, price: Int) { = name
self.price = price
//: Sale for all kinds of magic accessories
class MagicDecoratorSale: MagicSale {
private let wrapperMagicSale: MagicSale
init(magicSale: MagicSale){
wrapperMagicSale = magicSale
super.init(name: magicSale.description, price: magicSale.totalPrice)
//: Discounts
class DiscountDecoratorSale: MagicSale {
private let wrapperMagicSale: MagicSale
var discountAmount: Int { return 0 }
init(magicSale: MagicSale, totalDiscountAmount: Int = 0 ){
wrapperMagicSale = magicSale
super.init(name: magicSale.description, price: magicSale.totalPrice)
func totalDiscounts() -> Int {
var total = 1
guard let discounter = wrapperMagicSale as? DiscountDecoratorSale else {
return total
total += discounter.totalDiscounts()
return total
//: For added power options
class PowerDecoratorSale: MagicSale {
private let wrapperMagicSale: MagicSale
private let powerOptions: [PowerOption]
enum PowerOption {
case Fly
case Teleport
case Invisible
init(magicSale: MagicSale, powerOptions: PowerOption... ){
wrapperMagicSale = magicSale
self.powerOptions = powerOptions
super.init(name: magicSale.description, price: magicSale.totalPrice)
override var description: String {
var des = super.description
for option in powerOptions {
switch option {
case .Fly: des += " Flying Power "
case .Invisible: des += " Invisible Power"
case .Teleport: des += " Teleport Power"
return des
override var totalPrice: Int {
var pri = wrapperMagicSale.totalPrice
for option in powerOptions {
switch option {
case .Fly: pri += 2
case .Invisible: pri += 3
case .Teleport: pri += 4
return pri
//: Discount for favorite customers
class CustomerFavDiscountSale: DiscountDecoratorSale {
override var totalPrice: Int { return super.totalPrice - discountAmount }
override var discountAmount: Int { return 2 }
override var description: String {return "\(super.description) // Fav Discount"}
//: Discount for important customers
class CustomerPriorityDiscountSale: DiscountDecoratorSale {
override var totalPrice: Int { return super.totalPrice - discountAmount }
override var discountAmount: Int { return 1 }
override var description: String {return "\(super.description) // Priorty Discount"}
//: Add Sprite as the magic accessory
class MagicSaleWithSprite: MagicDecoratorSale {
override var description: String { return "\(super.description) + Sprite" }
override var totalPrice: Int { return super.totalPrice + 2 }
//: Add MagicStarterKit as the magic accessory
class MagicSaleWithMagicStarterKit: MagicDecoratorSale {
override var description: String { return "\(super.description) + MagicStarterKit" }
override var totalPrice: Int { return super.totalPrice + 1 }
//: keep track of the purchases of a customer
class MagicPurchase: CustomStringConvertible {
let name: String
var magicPurchases: [MagicSale] = []
init(name: String){ = name
func addPurchase(magicSale: MagicSale) {
print("\(magicSale.description) added: \(magicSale.totalPrice)# [\( \(magicSale.price)#] ")
var description: String {
return "\(name)'s Magic Purchases:\(magicPurchases)"
func printReceipt(){
print("\n Receipt: \n\(name)'s Magic Purchases:")
var totalDiscountTimes = 0
let totalPriceFinal ={
print( "\($0.description) : \($0.totalPrice) #" )
if let d1 = $0 as? DiscountDecoratorSale {
totalDiscountTimes += d1.totalDiscounts()
return $0.totalPrice
}.reduce(0, combine: +)
print("Total Price after discount: \(totalPriceFinal ) # ")
print("\(totalDiscountTimes) discounts in total\n")
//: Test
let loveWithSprite = MagicSaleWithSprite(magicSale: MagicSale(name: "Love Potion", price: 5))
let randomFavDiscountForSleep = CustomerFavDiscountSale(magicSale: MagicSale(name: "Sleep Potion", price: 3))
let disguise = MagicSale(name: "Disguise Potion", price: 10)
let ariaPurchase = MagicPurchase(name: "Aria")