12 May 2015
Description: a simple movie app that demonstrate how to get JSON data and dynamically create the corresponding class. Source Code
class Movie: NSObject { var id: Int = 0 var originalTitle = "" var releaseDate = "" var posterPath = "" var title = "" var voteAverage:Float = 0 var voteCount:Int = 0 func getPosterURL() -> String { return ALFrameworkConfig.TMDBImageURL + posterPath } }
import UIKit import ALFramework class ViewController: UIViewController { @IBOutlet weak var tableView: UITableView! var dataSource:TableViewDataSource! var movies:[Movie] = [] override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() dataSource = TableViewDataSource(items: movies, cellIdentifier: "cell", cellActionHandler: nil, configureBlock: { (cell, item) -> () in if let actualCell = cell as? MovieTableViewCell { actualCell.configCells(item as! Movie) } }) tableView.dataSource = dataSource tableView.delegate = dataSource let url = ALFrameworkConfig.TMDBURLPopular + ALFrameworkConfig.TMDBKey ALUtils.getJSONObjectFromURL(url, callback: { (jsonData) -> Void in if let jsonArr = jsonData["results"] as? NSArray { for jsonDictData in jsonArr { if let jsonDict = jsonDictData as? NSDictionary { // dynamically create movie class let movie = Movie.fromJSON(jsonDict) self.movies.append(movie) } self.dataSource.items = self.movies self.tableView.reloadData() } } }) } }